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    • 海外業(yè)務(wù)

      勝宏科技專業(yè)從事高精密多層、HDI PCB、FPC、軟硬結(jié)合板的研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)和銷售

      VGTPCB.INC(join us)

      General Manager

      VGTPCB Inc. has a full-time regular opening in its Santa Clara, California office for a General Manager position.


                 - Develop and lead company's strategic development directions in both domestic and international markets.

                 - Independently manage a business/sales division directed at sales efforts in United States; 

                 - Present business operation standings to the management; 

                 - Present monthly, quarterly, and annual reports to the Board, Vice Presidents, and President; 

                 - Make and implement management policies, and promote policies among all internal business divisions and company leaderships; 

                 - Make hiring and firing decisions for employees in business divisions;

                 - Oversee all daily operations; appoint and modify, at his sole discretion, supervisory positions within the business division;

                 - Enter, on behalf of the company, into binding business partnerships and collaborations with domestic and global partners; 

                 - Oversee major business/sales efforts and make necessary decisions, changes, and improvements on company's business models, finances, operations, and scope of business and service; 

                - Create and maintain unique company culture to promote great work performances; 

                - Develop and improve company’s human resources evaluation processes and promotion policies.


      Master’s degree (or foreign equivalent) in Business Administration, Management or related.

      24 months of experience in the position offered or any occupation related to job offered.

      Any experience with:Business intelligence and data analysis software such as IBM Cognos Impromptu, Salesforce software, Oracle Business Intelligence, and Qlik Tech QlikView; Database user interface and query softwares; LinkedIn; Enterprise resource planning ERP softwares such as Oracle PeopleSoft Human Capital Management.


      Contact: Berry Chiu

      Mailbox: berry.chiu@shpcb.com

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